Q; I was baffled when I saw a fellow muslim supplicating @ d grave of a pious sheik . N' I wana giv him prove that wot he is doing is v v v wrong.
A; All-Praise is due to Alaah,
Making Du'aa (Supplicating) to other then Allah is from amongst the grievous sins in Islam (Shirk)which takes some one out of the fold of Islam.
Allaah said (interpretation of the meaning): “Then do not set up rivals unto Allaah (in worship) while you know (that He Alone has the right to be worshipped)” [al-Baqarah 2:222]
And He said, “And they set up rivals to Allaah, to mislead (men) from His path! Say: ‘Enjoy (your brief life)! But certainly, your destination is the (Hell) Fire!’” [Ibraaheem 14:30]
In the hadeeth it is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever dies claiming that Allaah has a rival, will enter Hell.”al-Bukhaari, 4497; Muslim, 92.
Shaikh-ul-Islam Muhammad bin Suleiman At-Tamimi stated, "Know that ten matters negate one's Islam. [They are:]
"First, associating partners in the worship of Allah. Allah says,
"Verily, Allah forgives not (the sin of) setting up partners in worship with Him, but He forgives whom He pleases other sins than that" (al-Nisa 116).
Allah also says,
"Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the wrongdoers, there are no helpers" (al-Maidah 72).
Included in this category of deeds is sacrificing animals for the sake of jinn or graves.
"Second, whoever sets up an intermediary between himself and Allah, whom he prays to, seeks intercession from and puts his reliance in, has blasphemed according to the consensus of the scholars. End of Quote. (see the article of What Negates One's Islam by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab)
Sheikh Muhammed Saalih Al-Munajid said, Shirk may sometimes take the form of words: as those who make du’aa’ or pray to someone other than Allaah, or seek his help or seek refuge with him with regard to matters over which no one has control except Allaah, whether the person called upon is a Prophet, a wali (“saint”), an angel or a jinn, or some other created being. This is a kind of major shirk which puts one beyond the pale of Islam. (Islam Q&A Fatwa: 34817)
The Sheikh (May Allah preserve him) also said in another Fatwa, Praying to the occupant of the grave this is major shirk which puts a person beyond the pale of Islam, because prayer is an act of worship, and it is not permissible to do any act of worship to anyone other than Allaah. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Worship Allaah and join none with Him (in worship)” [al-Nisa’ 4:36]
“Verily, Allaah forgives not (the sin of) setting up partners (in worship) with Him, but He forgives whom He wills, sins other than that, and whoever sets up partners in worship with Allaah, has indeed strayed far away” [al-Nisa’ 4:116] End of Quote. (Islam Q&A Fatwa: 13490)
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem al-Tuwayjri said, A person calls upon one who cannot bring benefit or cause harm, who cannot command or prohibit, who cannot hear or respond, whether that is a Prophet, a Messenger, a jinn or an angel, or a star or planet or rock or tree, or one of the dead – all of that is serious wrong-doing, and a going astray from the Straight Path. It is shirk, the association of others with Allaah the Almighty.
“And invoke not besides Allaah any such that will neither profit you nor harm you, but if (in case) you did so, you shall certainly be one of the Zaalimoon (wrongdoers)” [Yoonus 10:106 – interpretation of the meaning]
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And who is more astray than one who calls on (invokes) besides Allaah, such as will not answer him till the Day of Resurrection, and who are (even) unaware of their calls (invocations) to them
[al-Ahqaaf 46:5]
Calling upon anyone or anything other than Allaah is shirk, and shirk is a great sin, indeed it is the greatest sin. Allaah will forgive any sin for whomever He wills, except for shirk, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Verily, Allaah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him (in worship), but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He wills [al-Nisaa’ 4:48]
On the Day of Resurrection, Allaah will gather the mushrikeen and everyone who was worshipped instead of Him, then those who were worshipped instead of Allaah will disavow those who worshipped them, and they will deny their association with Allaah, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And those, whom you invoke or call upon instead of Him, own not even a Qitmeer (the thin membrane over the date stone).
If you invoke (or call upon) them, they hear not your call; and if (in case) they were to hear, they could not grant it (your request) to you. And on the Day of Resurrection, they will disown your worshipping them. And none can inform you (O Muhammad) like Him Who is the All‑Knower (of everything).
O mankind! it is you who stand in need of Allaah. But Allaah is Rich (Free of all needs), Worthy of all praise”[Faatir 35: 13-15] End of Quote, (See Usool al-Deen al-Islami)
So it is quite clear that the Sharia' forbids such actions are detested act that is hated and not excepted by Allah The-Exalted. Either the person of this actions upon been informed properly with Shara'ie evidences dos not except this they have the consequences of suffering a harsh torment of internal hell-fire as Allaah the All-Mighty mentioned,'Verily, Allaah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him (in worship), but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He wills.' [al-Nisaa’ 4:48]
And He said, 'Indeed, he who associates others with Allaah - Allaah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers'. [Al-Maaedah 5:72]
We Ask Allaah to purify all form the evil sin of Shirk and to guide us to what is most beloved to Him, and Allaah is the Source of strength. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions, and grant them peace.
And Allaah knows best...
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