Sunday, 17 March 2013

Required distance for traveling to shorten Prayers.

Q; after travelling what distance Qasr (shortened prayers) is permitted??

A; All-Praise is due to Allah,
The majority of scholars (al-jumhoor) comprising the Maliki's and the Shafiei's and the Hanbali's have taken the opinion that the recognized distance for one who has undertaken its travel in shortening the prayer is four burud (an antiquated unit of distance), which is two average day's travel by heavily-loaded camels (equivalent to 88.7 km in distance). Among what they have quoted as evidence is what was authentically (sahih) narrated by Ibn Omar and Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them) that they used to shorten the prayers and break fasting at a distance of four BURUD. This quoted distance is approximate and not exactly limited as per the majority of scholars, and thus what is slightly less is exempted as well. End of quote.

See Islam Q&A Fatwa: 84.

And Allah knows best...

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