Saturday 1 June 2013

Wiping on shoes while performing Wudoo (ablution).

Q; Is it correct to wipe over the shoes pls check the arabic text, because jawrabyn means socks of cloth n khuffayn means leather socks but i have never heard about wiping over na'alyn meaning shoes. pls let me know the correct opinion.
A; All-Praise is due to Allah,

On the authority of Aws Ibn Aby Aws Al-Thaqafy, that the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) made ablution and wiped on his shoes and ankles.

Reported by Abu Dawood: (160), and Sheikh Al-Albaani grades it authentic.

In another report Ali Ibn Aby Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) upon nullifying his Wudoo, made ablution and wiped on his shoes then took them off and Prayed.

Reported in Tamam An-Nusah: (87), and Sheikh Al-Albaani grades it authentic.

Narrated by Ibn U'mar (may Allah be pleased with him) that he would make Wudoo while wearing shoes and also wipe on them, and he would say: And this is what the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) would do.

Ad-Dariyah: (1/87), and Ibn Hajr grades in its chain narration as being authentic.

Sheikh Al-Albaani (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

After knowing this it is not permissible for one to deny this concession that has been identified through the Hadiths ... especially through the affirmation of actions from among the Companions (may Allh be pleased with them). Thus as this was performed by Ali Ibn Aby Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) and as it was also performed by some of the Salaf As-Salaheen (may Allah be pleased with them all). 

End of quote from Al-Albaani's book: Tamam An-Nusah.

And Allah knows best...

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